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About Us

Orthodontic Aftercare™ Specialists

Wisdom Teeth Removal  •   FOREVERaligned™ Retainers & Tooth Aligners  •   Dental Hygiene

…with more services to come with the opening of the Surgical Center in the Spring of 2017!

After Orthodontics offers patients everything they need before, during and after their orthodontic treatment.

After Orthodontics offers patients everything they need once their ortho treatment is complete.

Orthodontists instruct their patients to do two things:

  1. Wear retainers forever.
  2. Have all wisdom teeth removed.

In our After Orthodontics facilities, we offer both services. Using a stored 3D scan of your teeth, an unlimited number of clear retainers can be ordered ONLINE and shipped directly to you ON DEMAND. Even if your teeth have shifted after your braces were removed, our FOREVERaligned tooth aligner system is just right for you. Relapse treatment is only $49 per tooth aligner until you’re happy with the alignment.

Our team of oral surgeons will remove wisdom teeth with several types of discounted financing options available.

Call or schedule an appointment online NOW.

Protect your investment.

Smile. Different.